"By making the viewer aware of the underlying mechanics behind telling a story, I try to balance the emotion brought on by the drama in the story itself with the tension experienced from the total awareness of the parts in motion. Art is tempered with the experience of real life, of breathing and feeling the floor beneath one's feet, of being aware of one's own thoughts."

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posted by gilbert

Gilbert Guerrero

Gilbert Guerrero
Gilbert Guerrero

Gilbert Guerrero has been a volunteer at ATA since 1998. He has been a webmaster, an HTML workshop instructor, and curated several important shows including Leather Tongue VS Lost Weekend video store face-off, Punk Made Movies co-sponsored by the Epicenter Zone and Mission Records, and Adam Industry’s Scratch ‘n’ Sniff. He has written, edited and illustrated for several Berkeley publications including Rasputin’s Manifesto Music Magazine, UC Berkeley’s The Heuristic Squelch, and the Cloyne Court Hotel Crier.

Curriculum Vitae

Gilbert Guerrero

Born: November 5, 1975, San Jose, CA.
Residence: Oakland, CA.

Group Exhibitions

• Alternate Soundtrack City Tours, Various locations in the Mission District, San Francisco, Transient Frequencies, radio broadcast audio + video. Commissioned by Neighborhood Public Radio and Southern Exposure Gallery. Made in collaboration with Kathleen Quillian.
• 21 Grand 7th Annual Benefit Art Show, 21 Grand Gallery, Oakland, CA, Oakland Triple, pencil on paper.
• Close Calls 2007, Headlands Center for the Arts, Marin, CA, A Conversation (Then Suddenly), 35mm slides, three slide projectors, slide programming unit. Made in collaboration with Kathleen Quillian.
• A Show to Show How a Show is Not Only a Show, Untitled Wood Grain Art, LoBot Gallery, Oakland, CA.
• Esoteric Mapping, 21 Grand, Oakland, CA, Esoteric Mapping: The International Transentient Cartographicacy Project & California Dreaming (Seismic Shift), multimedia. Made in collaboration with Kathleen Quillian.
• 21 Grand 6th Annual Benefit Art Show, 21 Grand Gallery, Oakland, CA, Fates of the World, 20 postcards and handmade box. Work by Kathleen Quillian and Gilbert Guerrero
• Illuminated Corridor: Perambulare, Oakland, CA, A Game of World Domination, live performance, video projection. Made in collaboration with Kathleen Quillian.
• Death by Tealight III, Artists' Television Access, SF, CA, Lonche en la Medianoche, Digital Video.
• Bayennale 2005: Bay Area International Arts Festival, Fruitvale Transit Center, Oakland, CA, Lonche en la Medianoche, Digital Video.
• Form/Reform, Oakland Art Gallery, Oakland, CA, California Dreaming (Seismic Shift), slide projection/digital audio performance. Made in collaboration with Kathleen Quillian.
• Cinematastic!, Artists' Television Access, You Sold This to Me in a Dream, Super 8 Film, Digital Video.
• This Way Please: Tours of the Everyday, POND Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Boo Radley Was Here 2004, interactive website, gallery kiosk and multi-site public installation. Made in collaboration with Kathleen Quillian.
• The Element of Temporary 5, San Francisco Arts Commission, San Francisco, CA, Open Composition for an Indeterminate Social Ensemble, social sculpture, plastic cups, text, shelves. Made in collaboration with Kathleen Quillian.
• Wandering Rocks, Revolving Doors, Dublin, Ireland, The International Transentient Cartographicacy Project, interactive website and multi-site projection installations. Made in collaboration with Kathleen Quillian.
• Myths of Thee Underground, Artists’ Television Access, San Francisco, CA, 992 Valencia, single-channel digital video and on line text. Made in collaboration with Kathleen Quillian.
• Staff Show, University of California, San Francisco CA, The Sad Photos, digital prints.
• Staff Show, University of California, San Francisco CA, Self Portrait (Mexican), spray paint and acrylic on discarded wood.
• Wearable Art, Artists' Television Access, San Francisco CA, Don't Shoot, I'm an Artist, mixed media.


• Music by the Eyeful, Luggage Store Gallery, San Francisco, CA, live video mixing, 35mm slide projections, and sound performance in collaboration with Kathleen Quillian and George Chen.
• William Pope.L: The Black Factory and Other Good Works, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA, 141 Demands for a Better World, street performances.
• Illuminated Corridor: Mobility, Oakland, CA, Cosmic Launch, performance projection, video, audio. Made in collaboration with Kathleen Quillian.
• Illuminated Corridor: Civil Twilight, Oakland, CA, California Dreaming (Seismic Shift), slide projection/digital audio performance. Made in collaboration with Kathleen Quillian.
• 40 Years of Super 8 Film: Global Super 8 Day 2005, Artists’ Television Access, San Francisco, CA, You Sold This to Me in a Dream, Super 8 film/sound performance.
• Order, Measurement and Systems, Artists’ Television Access, San Francisco, CA. Exorcism of Language, Part I, solo performance.
• intervals: (themes and variations on) relational space, Artists' Television Access, San Francisco CA, Gilbert Performs a Film About Two People Sitting on a Park Bench or Brujería, con una Pelicula Robado del Teatro de Díos, Super 8 film/sound performance.
• Birdsongs of the Bauharoque, Artists' Television Access, San Francisco CA, performance with Becky Stark and Xander Marro, Gilbert Performs a Film About Two People Sitting on a Park Bench or Brujería, con una Pelicula Robado del Teatro de Díos, Super 8 film/sound performance.
• My Misty Escape, Artist's Loft, Brooklyn NY, Un Homage a Cindy, Super 8 film loops, dual projection, performance.

Curatorial Experience

• 2006, “Filthy Filthy Puppets,” Artists’ Television Access, SF, CA. 
• 2006, “Intox Lounge,” Performances by Guillermo Gomez-Peña and La Pocha Nostra, Artists’ Television Access, SF, CA.
• 2004, “Lee Krist and Sam Rypinski in Collaboration,” Artists' Television Access, San Francisco. Curated by Gilbert Guerrero
• 2004, “Myths of Thee Underground,” Co-curated with Kathleen Quillian Artists’ Television Access, SF, CA.
• 2002, “Leather Tongue VS. Lost Weekend,” Artists' Television Access, SF, CA.
• 1999, “Punk Made Movies: Mission Records and The Epicenter Zone,” Artists' Television Access, SF, CA.
• 1999, “Adam Industry’s Scratch ‘n’ Sniff,” Artists' Television Access, SF, CA.

Art Direction, Design, and Illustration

• 2007, Web Designer, “NOSO Project”, Produced by Glowlab, Commissioned by Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA.
• 2003-, Co-Founder, Co-Editor, Art Director, Artists’ Television Access webzine, http://www.atasite.org/zine/, SF, CA. 
• 2001-, Web Designer, Webmaster, Artists’ Television Access website, SF, CA.
• 2001-, Web Designer, Webmaster, San Francisco Cinematheque website, SF, CA.
• 1999-0, Web Designer, Webmaster, Robert Beck Memorial Cinema, NY, NY.
• 1997-8, Illustrator, Cloyne Court Hotel Rock Posters, Berkeley, CA.


• The International Transentient Cartographicacy Project, Leonardo, volume 39, issue 1, February 2006, MIT Press.
• Degenerates Over Time, ATA Webzine, issue 3, Fall 2004.
• Revolution in the Eighties: Following Craig Baldwin to the Gartland Pit, ATA Webzine issue 2, Summer 2004.
• Leather Tongue Video, ATA Webzine, issue 1, Fall 2003.

Professional Activities

• 2007-, Instructor, Web Design, Digital Art Department, Diablo Valley College, CA.
• 2003-, Co-Director, Artists’ Television Access, gallery and experimental film/video screening venue, SF, CA.


• 2005, Guest Lecturer, Critical Thinking in Art Class, San Francisco Art Institute, SF, CA. 


• 1998, BA, Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley